Monday, August 6, 2012

San Diego (Carlsbad) Adventure 2012, night four.

We arrived at the campsite on Monday late in the afternoon.  I couldn't believe the amount of traffic between Vegas and San Diego.  Granted its been twelve years since I've even traveled the road. And if I remember correctly, I was asleep.  But this was a Monday morning and I was amazed.  We took our time and managed to arrive last.  Cynthia took the kids down to the beach and I set up camp.  I performed the task barely adequately.  I was so burned out from the driving, I just wanted to get the tent up and our crap in so I could rest.  We went to dinner at Roberto's.  It reminded me of Burrito Express back home.  We made a quick stop at Wall Mart and then gathered in the evening and visited.
The next day we all got up around 7am.  Breakfast was had and then we all made our way to the beach.  The water was very pleasant and the waves we alright I guess.  Andrew got stung by a stingray (we presume,  I had seen one) but everyone seemed to have a good time.  Body surfing, boogey boarding, and surfing we all to be had.  The kids enjoyed the sand and I was particularly impressed with Alex Jr.  He really charged the waves and I was honestly happy that we was enjoying himself swimming and diving under the waves.  In the evening we went down to the Mission Bay Ski Beach and watched the fireworks from Sea World.  Then we made it back, showered the kids, put them to bed, showered ourselves, and then went to bed.   Goodnight.