Monday, August 6, 2012

Annnnnnnnd we're home.

So its Sunday evening. We are home in Denver after two days of travel.  Friday we went to the Birch Aquarium at Scripps.  It was alright but nothing like I remembered.  It was kinda boring but I think the kids liked it.  Pretty sure it's not the same aquarium I went to as a boy.  Spencer was doing better after the sting ray incident from the day before.  He got nailed on the bottom of the foot and was in quite a bit of pain.  But he was walking and in good spirits at the aquarium. We then ate at BJs and went back to the campsite.  We then went down to the beach for one last time.  It was somewhat spoiled by the fact that two of our retinue had been stung.  But we made the most of it.  The kids had a lot of fun.  It was a good last day.

The next two days we spent traveling.  Saturday evening we stayed in Monroe and left around 1pm for Denver.

Overall, the trip was amazing. I wish we could have gone with more money, but our days were still filled with fun.  Even spending all the days on the beach would have been fun. I hope to go back sooner than wait ten years.


the coltons said...

great updates, alex! i liked reading through your inner monologue, as well as being able to better remember what we actually did all week :) and i agree with the aquarium - much cooler as a kid :)

Johanna said...

How did I miss that you were blogging again? Thanks so much for sharing your impressions of our trip. It was fun to be there with all of you!