Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Argentina Trip: Day 8

Today we woke up around 9 or 10am.  Maria showed up followed by Miguel Angel, Sheila, and Fermin.  Miguel brought a ton of facturas and we broke our fast on a variety of pastries and máte.  He also brought the SIM cards for our respective phones.  Cynthia's is locked (iPhone 5, but I had hoped it would not be locked once we were out of the country) and we can't use the SIM we got for it (oh well), but my S4 (also locked) allowed the SIM and after some tweaking, I think everything is working.

We went over to the Fernandez homestead and had a nice lunch.  Meat, of course, sweet potatoes, carrots, and potatoes.  We spent the afternoon conversing; Cynthia did make up for Mabel and Maria.

In the evening, Leandro arrived and we (Me, Cynthia, Maria, and Leandro) went out to a restaurant and had some hot milk with chocolate and some slices of a cake.

Afterwards we drove and parked on a street with a lot of shops.  Leandro showed us one of his Skate/BMX stores.  Afterwards we stopped by an ice cream shop and got ice cream (of course).

We came back to the apartment and had some soup and then called it a night.