Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's in a review?

So called "NewEgg Tech Expert Reviewers", I expose them here.
Let me show you a review on an external hard drive:

I apologize for the small type.

This "expert" in all his wisdom has spotted an inferior product. Call the awesome police for this chump. Let me fix that for you "Limiting":

Let me break it down for the non tech people of the world.

This review was the result of one of two reasons:
A) This guys hasn't been paying attention since the invention of the USB 2.0 spec (over 10 years old now).
B) He intentionally wants to damage the reputation of the manufacturer.

The first is embarrasing, the second is dishonest. We have a class A jerk on our hands.

Yes it is confusing (Mb (megabit) vs MB (megabyte)) but according to this dudes NewEgg creds, he's one step from systems engineer. I myself, usually only rate my tech rating at a 2 if that, knowing that I don't know the half of what it out there in computer land. But reviewers like this run rampant on NewEgg and other sites; spouting their retoric, professing their technical prowess, and steering naive consumers aways from perfectly good products. CONSUMER BEWARE.

1 Comment:

Johanna said...

You posted! Guess I'd better check with you before I pass on a product for bad reviews!