So, since this is my blog and as such I determine what appears here, most of the content is pretty selfserving, thus boosting my ego and making me feel better about myself. This post is no different and different at the same time. I endevour to break from the mold a bit, by declaring my intentions to the www in hopes that I will actually follow through with my plan.
I used to play guitar, write songs, and draw a lot. Now due to current circumstances I have had to curb this behavior. I'm not sure how most people do it, but these activities require a lot of time to perfect and time is not a commodity I have in a lot of quantity at the moment. Still, the plan I have is the start back up playing the guitar and drawing. To measure my progress and give me something to work at (because, frankly, just playing the guitar or just drawing without a purpose don't provide me with a lot of satisfaction.) I plan on actually recording around 3 to 5 songs and writing/drawing a short comic book. The story has been in the back of my mind for the better part of a year and I've written a few outlines and draft that need to be stepped up a bit... meaning a lot... meaning the story sucks right now. But I've always wanted to do this. So in the comming weeks, I'm going to get a progress bar up on the site so you can see where I'm at and how much I have left to complete. As songs/pages are completed I'll post them. I might even post rought drafts, parts of songs, etc... we'll see. Anyway, there it is. What is written cannot be unwritten and what has been seen cannot be unseen... you may want to remember that upon visiting the site from here on out.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Future UnPerfect.
Posted by Alex Cottle at 12:33 PM
Can't wait to see your creative products!! Way to be goal oriented and make yourself accountable. I'm semi-motivated to do the same!
dude, i am waiting for you to turn your attic ceiling into a star wars scene!
i'm very impressed, i had no idea you wanted to write a comic :) have fun with that guitar - hope it provides more use for you than it ever did for me :)
well, crap. now i guess I have to follow through with my plan, huh?
i did bust out my drums program and laid out a minute and a half premilminary drum track. i think the songs will be sort of a soundtrack for the book... we'll see.
@ssbsts, yeah i really need to put a mural up there once I get it done... maybe this winter.
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