Monday, August 24, 2009

Yeah, I used to skate.

So I started skateboarding seriously around my freshman year of high school. And lemme tell you, it's not easy to skate in a small town with very little in the way of skateable terrain (ie, street, sidewalk, etc) but boredom drives ingenuity. Now, hardly any of this footage was taken where I went to high school, most of it was shot in St. George/Southern Utah/Denver from 1999 ~ 2001. This first video was my part in Team Monroe's 4th skate video "Strength through Wounding".

This video was a mix of my favorite tricks from the Strength footage and new footage that I shot afterwards. Yes, the opening slam resulted in the firt time I dislocated my shoulder and had my younger brother help me put it back in. Good times.

There you go.



Johanna said...

Does it make you miss it at all? Oh the things we did when we were really young! p.s. - got a tool at Home Depot (thanks for the suggestion). unfortunately the screen wasn't the same - not even the same connections. bummer. Mom & Dad said they have an old phone we can use. Hope I can find instructions to unlock it.

Alex Cottle said...

that's too bad. still, that tool comes in handy so good buy.

Unknown said...

used to skate? come on man, get back on the horse!