Thursday, August 13, 2009


images by Weston Colton


Anonymous said...

Very nice...I'm looking to create a small media center with a PVR for my TV any suggestions? I hate paying for it and would love any suggestions you have.


Alex Cottle said...

Sorry about the late comment.

Any modern computer can handle PVR duties (with the purchse of a TV card and as much hard drive space as you can get). The main variable is what do you have as a source? Cable, Satellite or Over the Air? I have basic cable, meaning no cable box to mess with, so it was relatively easy to purchase a TV card (make sure it has a hardware based MPEG2 encoder) and get it going. I don't have any experience with a setup that include a cable box for decrypting or satellite.

The best place to go is It has a wealth of information to get you started.

Thanks for the comment.