Here's kind of a work log on this box. This is my third attempt at a HTPC style computer case. The first one was HTPC-1, aka the Cube. No exactly a cube, but close. The next one, HTPC-2, was the white case, with dimensions roughly 17" wide, 10" deep and 6" high. This case, attempts to flatten the box and make it a bit deeper to accomodate a full size Optical Drive, Hard Drives (2) and ATX PSU. Rough dimensions are 17" wide, 15 1/4" deep and 4 1/4". Up front, I didn't optimally cut this at all. Plus, I started this project like a week before I was told to look for another job, so I lost all motivation after the primary cuts were made. But I'm on it now, and ready to finish it up. About 2 weeks ago I pulled out the bottom plate and on whim, measured out the motherboard standoff, drilled them, drilled countersinks and mounted a bad micro-atx motherboard and everything lined up perfectly. I could hardly believe it. No re-drilling at all. Then I let the project sit for a week before tackling it again. First up was I glued the sides to the bottom plate.
The next day I came home from work and decided to tackle one of the drive cages, mainly the optical drive. I had a decent design, but wasn't sure it would work... but it did, and wouldn't you know it, i got all the hole drilled and counter sunk first try. Sadly my luck didn't hold out with the Hard Drive cage, but we'll get to that later.
While I awaited the glue to dry, I started to work on the front panel. I ended up getting a pretty good fit, although I made it a tad too wide on the right side, but otherwise I'm ok with it.
Then I decided to glue it to the base. It turned out pretty good, but it was a little narrow because the sides dried at weird angles. So I applied some wood filler:
... and I'm hoping that will work.
Some finished pics before I tackle the Hard Drive cage:
The right side of the optical drive cage.
The left side of the optical drive cage.
With the front panel glued firmly in place.
And an optical drive in place.
More later...
1 Comment:
you're way more crafty than i am :)
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